REAL-PhD - Frequently Asked Questions

How can one refer to items deposited in REAL-PhD?
There is an unique identifier number for all items deposited. The recommended way of reference to item No. 12 is the following URL: .

How can one find items deposited in REAL-PhD?
The REAL-PhD website provides search functions, but this repository (as other installations of EPrints, or other OAI-compliant repositories) use the OAI-PMH protocol, and thus could be searched using other search engines using PMH. REAL is listed in important registries like ROAR, so harvesters are aware of it. Items in this collection are in the MTMT database too.

How can I deposit a PhD thesis?
Only registered administrators of PhD Schools could deposit theses. If one wants to deposit a PhD thesis produced abroad, send an e-mail to real_help (AT) .

Sources of PhD theses in this repository
- Theses deposited to the former KPA database.
- Theses formerly deposited to REAL (the main collection of this repository).
- Theses deposited by Universities or PhD Schools under a contract with the Library and Information Centre.
- Theses of hungarian researchers, or researchers working in Hungary, produced abroad.

File readability - PDF and PDF/A
We aspire to store documents in PDF/A format, but accept plain PDF too. PDF/A is created for long term preservation - it might happen, that plain PDF documents do not display correctly in a particular platform (operating system, browser, browser plug-in, PDF viewer). PDF display problems usually stem for lack of the given font. PDF/A documents have the fonts embedded, so there will be no such problems - on the other hand, they tend to be larger. Occasionally a certain document is present in both plain PDF and PDF/A.

What is ORCID?
ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID. It is a global system for providing unique identifiers for authors, together with a personal page with short biographies, publication lists, affiliations. ORCID identifiers look like 0000-0002-6873-3425 .